Common Warning Signs And Symptoms That Can Appear During The Monthly Cycle
Along the menstrual cycle, the changing hormone levels can result in a variety of symptoms. The primary negative indications and symptoms are listed below, but girls occasionally may experience high levels of self-assurance, energy, and focus.
- Bleeding for 3-8 days
- Pain during the first few days of a period
- Cramping of the stomach
- Bloating
- Mood changes such as feeling weepy, irritable, tired
- Reduced concentration
- Breast tenderness
- Temporary weight gain
- Headaches
- Low back pain
- Food craving
A Few Methods To Relieve Your Symptoms
- Warm baths, hot water bottles, and pain relievers can all help with pain. Gentle exercise can also help reduce pain
- Sleep can help reduce tiredness
- Good nutrition including fruit and vegetables
- Tell the coach so they can make some allowances for your cycle
- Be prepared by keeping menstrual supplies in a small bag in your kit bag.